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2 Ingredient Keto Chips – Low Carb, Gluten-Free and So Crunchy!



  • ½ cup shredded Cheddâr cheese
  • 2 egg whites


  1. Preheât the oven to 400F.
  2. Sprây â non-stick mini-muffin pân with non-stick cooking sprây (or greâse the bottoms of the muffin cups with butter).
  3. Whisk the egg whites in â bowl with â fork. Divide the egg whites between the 24 mini-muffin cups (the egg white should just bârely cover the bottom of the cup).
  4. Sprinkle the shredded Cheddâr cheese over the egg whites in â muffin cups.
  5. Put the mini-muffin tin........................................
  6. ..................................................


2 Ingredient Keto Chips – Low Carb, Gluten-Free and So Crunchy!

57 mins 1 hour Serves 2 Ingredients: List of cooking ingredients available on the website,
Rated 5/5 based on 239 customer reviews

How To Select or Choose The BEST health insurance Plan

For any person with money on their hands, splurging on food or travel is undoubtedly the most enticing thing to do, isn’t it? While spending is our forte, the thought of securing one’s future always tends to beat the back of our mind. Having gone through my share of I-need-to-save-money moments, I’ve indulged in some not-so-fun-filled research. This lengthy answer is an outpour of all the information stacked in my brain.

Let’s begin with what health insurance is, or for that matter, what Insurance essentially is. Quoting someone I’d call financially smart, “Insurance is a game of shifting risks, wherein you shift risks from your life onto insurance companies, who guarantee you coverage for these risks in exchange for a premium that you pay monthly. The premium is a fee paid by you and it varies according to the number of risks you insure.”

On that note, let’s get to the most basic things to keep in mind when purchasing health insurance:

1) Number of people to be insured: 

If you’re single, with no family to take care of, an individual health insurance policy would work just fine for you. However, if you’re a family man, a Family Floater Insurance policy should be your go-to. In simple words, in an individual insurance, you get the full benefit of the total sum insured, while in a floater, your family collectively benefits from a single sum insured.

2) Riders:

health insurances in most situations cover only a certain amount of healthcare risks. For example, OPD charges or maternity expenses are generally not covered under your regular health insurance policy. In these situations, it is best to add riders, that is, extra coverage for an added charge. However, to avoid stocking up on too many riders, look for policies that cover the most number of risks that you wish to insure yourself with.

3) Co-Payment: 

Some health insurance products have a co-payment clause, especially senior citizens’ health insurance plans. This means that, out of the total amount of your claim, some percentage of the payment would have to be borne by you. The percentage can range from anywhere between 10% and 20% of the total claim amount. To avoid a situation where you have to pay beyond your capacity at an older age, look for policies with lower rates of co-payment even if it calls for paying a slightly higher premium.

4) Research: 

Finding the perfect policy can either be an offline task or an online task. Many companies, such as OneInsure, offer free financial advice to people looking for insurance policies. I personally have had a positive firsthand experience with them, in spite of not being their customer. You can always reach out to them to clear all your doubts and get your queries answered. In a more traditional approach, you can visit offices of insurance companies like Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) or Religare health insurance to get more details.

I am one to believe in getting things done from the comfort of my own bed. I’m sure you would agree!

How To Select or Choose The BEST health insurance Plan

How to Select or Choose the BEST health insurance Plan? is one of the most common queries posted by the readers of this blog. I highlighted the importance of health insurance plan in my post, Why do we need health insurance? Let me admit that to select a health insurance Plan is difficult or complex compared to any other insurance policy. The reason being, a large number of deciding factors in health insurance Plan.

The plans like life insurance or critical illness plan are event specific.  On the other hand, there are a lot of ifs and buts in health insurance plan. To share an example, there is NO concurrence  or agreement among various health insurance rating agencies. One of the health insurance plan rated BEST by one of the rating agency is rated below average by another agency. Though each of them has their own ranking methodology and ranking can be manipulated. It leaves the potential customer high and dry.

health insurance Plan – Fix your requirement First
To simplify this entire process to select the best health insurance Plan, it is important to fix your requirement first. Here by requirement, i mean following factors to be decided first.

(a) No of members to be insured: 

Normally, the potential policyholders are confused whether to avail individual or family floater plan. In another scenario, some would like to include their elderly parents in family floater plan. Please remember that premium of the health insurance plan is decided by the age of the eldest member under family floater plan. The health insurance provider will be more than happy to include elder members as it will increase the overall premium. The best solution is to avail a separate health insurance Plan for elderly parents depending on their requirement.

Lastly, Family floater plan is more economical compared to the individual plan/s.

(b) Coverage Amount: 

It is always good to have maximum coverage but remember that premium increases with the coverage amount. Recently, one of the readers of my blog Priyanka asked me the ideal coverage amount. She is 26 years and was married recently. Now for a young couple, it does not make sense to avail a coverage of higher amount of 9L.

Therefore, in my opinion, the young couples can start with lower coverage amount say 2L and may avail top up policy in future to increase the coverage. The probability of hospitalization is low at a young age. Moreover, a premium of health insurance plan is not locked thus monetary benefit to avail higher coverage at a young age is missing. I will discuss it in detail later in the post.

The coverage amount should be low for the salaried class as they are already covered by their employer. As financial planners always suggest opting for “personal” health insurance Plan even if you are covered by your employer. Therefore, if you are salaried then you should opt for lower coverage initially and may increase the same through a top up policy every 10 years to hedge the risk.

Lastly, you should opt for higher coverage at a young age if there is a medical history of the family in terms of genetic diseases/ailment. Though in medical terms, the genetic disease is more serious term i.e. caused by an abnormality in DNA but i am using it literally. For example, Blood Pressure, Heart Disease, Skin Diseases etc are also genetic in family depending on family history. One of my distant cousins has all the diseases/ailments of her mother i.e. High BP and Migraine. Therefore, in such cases, it is advisable to opt for higher coverage at a young age.

(c) International Cover: 

Some people are globetrotter either professionally or by personal choice. If you are in IT field then there is a high probability of offsite posting abroad. Similarly, one of my uber-rich friends undertakes one foreign trip every quarter. Therefore for such people, it is important that health insurance Plan provides international cover. Please remember that not all the health insurance Plan provide international cover. Therefore, depending on your requirement you may include an international cover.

(d) Maternity Cover:

Personally, i suggest not to include maternity cover in your requirement list. Still, some of the young couples prefer maternity cover because of the high perceived maternity cost. You can do a simple maths to decide whether to include a maternity cover or not. Check the premium of health insurance Plan with and without maternity cover. In some policies, it is an inbuilt feature but still you can find out the premium difference by comparing similar policies.

Assuming the premium difference is Rs 6000 p.a. You are expected to spend between Rs 50k to Rs 75k towards the maternity expenses. From a financial perspective, it is too costly in a long run. Moreover, there is a waiting period of 3-4 years to avail maternity benefit.

(e) Add-on features: 

In order to make health insurance Plan more marketable and attractive some of the health insurance providers include add-on features like health checkup, alternative treatment, OPD, e-opinion, second opinion etc. Always remember that such add-on features add to the cost of the policy. Personally, i don’t foresee any value in these add-on features. I am not acting judgmental but you may include these features depending on your requirement. You may consider alternative treatment and health checkup provided premium is not increasing drastically. I strongly suggest against OPD as there are a lot of ifs and buts that i can write a separate post on the same.

Now you are ready with your exact requirement and let’s move to next section.

How To Select or Choose The BEST health insurance Plan?

As a first you step, from laundry list, you can shortlist the health insurance plan that fulfills and meet your requirement. For example, in my case, i was looking for a health insurance plan with a coverage of 9L. Therefore, almost all the plans of public sector health insurance providers were dropped during initial screening. Secondly, public sector health insurance providers are not so strong in cashless tie-ups that we will discuss later in the post. Now i was left with health insurance plans of private insurer fulfilling my requirement. I evaluated these plans on following parameters in same order

1. Premium of the Policy:

One of the most imp point about the premium of health insurance plan is that it is not fixed i.e. it is dynamic. Unlike term insurance policy, wherein the premium is fixed for the policy tenure, the premium of health insurance may keep changing (read: increasing). In layman terms, unfortunately, there is NO INCENTIVE to BUY health insurance Plan at an early age to LOCK the premium. Sometimes premium is low because of co-pay clause (Please check the point no 4).

In my screening activity, i dropped plans with the comparatively high premium amount.

In this post, i covered some of the important factors to be considered while selecting or choosing health insurance plan. I have a lot more to share. In one of the future posts, i will share how you can save on health insurance premium and medical expenses by selecting right health insurance plan/features.

As health insurance plan is a non-standard financial product. Therefore, you cannot select health insurance plan only based on the premium. Thanks to IRDA, if you are not happy with the existing health insurance provider you can opt for portability of health insurance.

Last but not the least, the medical history of the family can play important role in the selection of the right health insurance plan. The reason being, the probability of diseases/ailments based on family history is HIGH. Trust me it is true. In the case of my friend’s family, the entire family tree suffered from heart disease at some point or another.  Therefore, i suggested him to opt for health insurance plan designed for heart diseases/cardiac care. Alternatively, there should not too many strings attached to heart disease in health insurance plan.

How to Choose the Best domain registrar in 2018 (Compared)

Are you looking for the best domain registrar for your website? domain registrars are the companies responsible for registering and managing Domain Names for all websites around the world. Choosing the right domain registrar is very important because there are so many ways to get tricked. In this article, we will show you how to choose the best domain registrar by comparing their pros and cons.

What is a Domain Name Registrar

A Domain Name registrar is a company that allows you to purchase and register Domain Names. All Domain Name registrars are accreditated by ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers), a non-profit organization responsible for managing Domain Names.

Domain Names make internet easy to use for everyone. Without Domain Names, you’ll have to enter long strings of numbers called IP addresses to visit websites.

Domain Names solve this problem by allowing websites to choose addresses using easy to remember words, for example, or To learn more, see our beginner’s guide on what is a Domain Name and how does it work.

To make Domain Names widely available, ICANN allows companies to apply for accreditation and become a domain registrar.

These companies then compete with each other to sell Domain Name licenses which allows you to get better service and tools when you purchase your Domain Name.

What domain registrars Really Do?

All Domain Name records are stored in a centralized database called registry. For a Domain Name to be recognized, it needs to be added into that database with all related information about it.

A Domain Name registrar is given permission by ICANN to make changes to your Domain Name’s information in the database on your behalf. A Domain Name registrar also provides easy to use tools to make those changes using your web browser.

That being said, let’s take a look at how to easily choose the best domain registrar for your website address.

How to Choose The Right domain registrar

Not all domain registrars have the license to sell all Domain Name extensions. For example, some domain registrars can only sell Domain Names with country-specific extensions (like .io, .in, or .ly).

Each domain registrar may offer different services along with the Domain Name registration. Some registrar may offer cheap domains at a lower price as their promotional offer while others may offer free add-ons to attract customers.

When choosing the best Domain Name registrar, we look at the following four criteria:

1. Pricing and Registration Period

The first thing you want to check is the Domain Name prices. For example, some domain registrars may offer lower prices for the first year registration, but their renewal prices can be different and significantly higher.

You can register a Domain Name for a minimum period of 1 year. However, some companies may require a higher registration period like 2 years minimum. You can register a Domain Name for up to 10 years at a time.

If you are buying a new web address, then we recommend registering your Domain Name for 1 year. You can turn on automatic renewal, so your domain does not expire.

You also need to check for any additional fees for domain transfers, renewal, and other charges.

2. Domain Transfers

Domain Names can be moved from one domain registrar to another. Normally, you wouldn’t need to transfer your Domain Name right away, but if you’re unhappy with your domain registrar, then this option should be easily available.

First thing you need to keep in mind is that you cannot transfer a Domain Name during the first 60 days of the registration. This initial period is decided by ICANN. After that, you are allowed to move it to any other registrar that you want.

Most domain registrars make it easy to transfer Domain Names without any extra fee. However, some may try to make it complicated or charge an extra fee.

Make sure that you review the domain transfer policy before you buy a Domain Name from a registrar.

3. Domain Expiration Policies

Domain Names are registered for a specific duration. You can renew your domain registration before its expiration date. However, if you forgot to renew your Domain Name, then it expires and anyone can register it.

For businesses, this means someone can take over their Domain Name. To make sure that this doesn’t happen, you can set up automatic renewals for your Domain Name.

Even if you use the automatic renewal feature, it is a good idea to check your domain registrars expiration policy. Some domain registrars offer a grace period even after the expiration. This grace period allows you to renew your expired Domain Name.

We have heard dozens of horror stories of business owners losing their Domain Name because their credit card expired, and their registrar did not have a grace period. This is one of the many reasons why it’s extremely important to choose the right Domain Name registrar.

4. Add-on Services

You may also want to review what other services are offered by your domain registrar. While you may not need these services right now, it is good to know that they have them.

These add-on services may include domain privacy, domain parking, extended expiration protection, and more. Some domain registrars may even sell WordPress hosting service, email hosting service, and more.

Things to Watch Out for When Choosing a Domain Name Registrar
Due to the competition in the domain registration business, you will come across companies with some very attractive offers. While these offers may look good, there may be some downsides that you may not notice right away.

Following are a few things to watch out for when choosing a Domain Name registrar.

1. Add-on Pricing

Some Domain Name registrars can automatically pre-check add-on services when you purchase a Domain Name. If you don’t uncheck those options, then this would increase your bill significantly. Typically a .com Domain Name should not cost you more than $14.99 / year. If it does, then it should raise a red flag.

You must pay attention to the checkout page and uncheck any add-on services that you don’t need. On top of that, it’s always a good idea to double-check the total amount you are charged in your credit card statements.

2. Bad User Experience

Most domain registrars try to make their website easy to use, so they can keep you as a customer. However, some domain registrars do the exact opposite.

This would make it difficult for you to change your Domain Name settings. You will need to do that if you wanted to transfer domain to a new host, or a new domain registrar.

The easiest way to look for this is by searching for domain registrar’s online reviews. Keep in mind, that very few happy customers leave online reviews, so it’s important to read the reviews thoroughly.

3. Hidden Fees

You may also need to look for the hidden costs and fees when choosing a domain registrar.

Some domain registrars may have special offers for cheaper domains for first-time registrations. Most beginners don’t realize it, but the renewal cost of the domain are often quite different and even higher.

All good domain registrars make it easy to transfer your Domain Name to a different company. However, some will put an additional fee.

That being said, let’s take a look at some of the best Domain Name registrars, and how they compare against each other.

1. GoDaddy

GoDaddy is the world’s most popular domain registration company, and the biggest domain registrar in the world. They manage more than 76 million Domain Names for over 17.5 million customers.

They offer a wide variety of popular Domain Name extensions to choose from. Their prices are highly competitive, and you may even get a significant discount on the first year of your domain’s registration.

GoDaddy has a powerful easy to use domain management interface which allows you to transfer your Domain Name or change its settings.

If you only need to register a Domain Name without web hosting, then we highly recommend GoDaddy. However if you’re looking to start a blog or website, then option #2 might be better for you.

2. Bluehost

Bluehost is one of the largest hosting companies in the world, and they are an official WordPress hosting partner. As part of their web hosting service, they also offer Domain Name registration.

Bluehost is offering WPBeginner users a free Domain Name, SSL certificate, and a discount on web hosting which is a perfect deal for anyone looking to make a website.

Basically, you can get started for $2.75 per month, and get a free Domain Name.

3. HostGator

HostGator is another popular company offering website owners a one-stop shop for Domain Names and shared website hosting. They offer a nice selection of extensions, domain privacy, and easy to use DNS management tools.

They have an easy to use domain search tool that helps you quickly find a suitable Domain Name for your business. Their domain management area is beginner friendly and well documented which makes it easy to transfer domains if you need to.

4. Namecheap

Namecheap is another top domain registrar on the market. They have a powerful domain search tool that helps you find the right Domain Name and makes suggestions when your preferred Domain Name is not available.

They also offer domain add-on services like domain privacy and premium DNS. Their domain management area is clean, but it’s not as user-friendly as GoDaddy’s new interface.

One nice thing about NameCheap is that they offer free domain privacy with all their Domain Names.

We used to use NameCheap but ended up transferring our main domains to GoDaddy and other providers because we simply had too many issues logging into their domain management panel.

5. is another reliable Domain Name registrar offering all popular Domain Name extensions since 2000. They have a quick domain search tool that you can use for your Domain Name research.

They also offer private registration (domain privacy), bulk registration, easy transfers, and easy-to-use domain management tools. If you have any questions, then you can seek help via live chat or email.


6. BuyDomains

BuyDomains allow you to search for premium Domain Names matching your search terms. Premium Domain Names are Domain Names that are already registered but are available for sale from third-party. These domains are often more memorable, shorter, and brandable which is why they are more expensive.

If you cannot find a suitable Domain Name, and you have the budget, then you can use BuyDomains to search for a premium Domain Name.

We hope this article helped you learn how to choose the best domain registrar for your business. You may also want to see our guide on how to get a free business email address for your website.

Buy A Blog Domain Name For Your Website (3 Easy Steps)

You are probably reading this post because you are interested in starting your own blog/website and want to learn how to choose a Domain Name for a blog.

Believe me, I have been there. Four years ago, I didn’t know anything about how to get a Domain Name and how to buy them. I was pretty much confused, to say the least.

Unfortunately, the process how to choose a Domain Name for your blog is still quite complex and unintelligible.

There are dozens of different websites and hosting providers who promote “cheap domain registration” or even “free domains” (which I don’t advise you get, see FAQ).

In today’s post, I’ll cut through the clutter and teach you how to choose a Domain Name for a blog or website that you have.

Things you should know on how to get a Domain Name
Before you go and buy a blog domain for your website, I want you to keep reading…

First of all, Domain Names are quite cheap ($5 to $15 per year), but they are sort of long-term. If you buy a domain, you will most likely use it at least a year or more.

Well, every domain expires in a year which means you’ll need to renew it after every 12 months.

If you don’t want the domain you’ve already bought, you can simply leave it and stop paying for it. In that way, it expires and soon will be deleted.

  • What is the BEST Domain Name?
  • Some blog Domain Name ideas…
  • I know, I know, choosing to buy a blog Domain Name is a pretty exciting thing to do. I absolutely love it.

However, it’s no longer 2005 and the best possible Domain Names are (probably) already taken. For example, there are currently more than 150,000,000 active Domain Names.

And oh, here’s something interesting for you to read:  Most expensive Domain Names ever sold.

Before you go and buy a blog domain, do some brainstorming in order to come up with something:

  • catchy
  • memorable
  • …and unique
It’s pretty common that many first-time bloggers go and buy a Domain Name which they quickly abandon.
Usually, the name wasn’t good enough, bloggers got some bad feedback or the author didn’t like it after all.
Keep in mind that your blog’s (or website’s) address will be the online business card and identity.
Many people don’t follow these simple principles and that may become an obstacle in the future.

Blog Domain Name examples

When we look at popular and successful blogs, most of them have easy and simple Domain Names, just like TechCrunch, SmartPassiveIncome or WarriorForum.

And oh, one more thing. While I suggest you stick with a .com extension, you can always go and buy .info, .org, .net, .us as well.

Where to buy a blog Domain Name?

As I mentioned earlier, there are literally tons of places where you can buy yourself a domain… but there’s one thing you need to keep in mind.

When you buy a domain, you will need hosting as well. Without hosting you will be unable to create a blog on your domain.

I have managed to the cut the “crap” and found some really good domain registrars that don’t scam and steal your money.

In addition, all of them have very good customer support (in case you’ll need it).

  1. HostGator – $5 per domain, but you are able to get hosting from them as well.
  2. GoDaddy – $5 to $15 per domain
  3. Namecheap – $10 per domain, but you’ll get a privacy protection for free (1 year only)
  4. BlueHost – Free domain, $2.95 and up per month for hosting.
  5. So don’t wait – go and get the Domain Name before someone else takes it!

To make things simple for people who are just starting their first blog or website, I’ll show you how to buy a Domain Name for your blog.

In this tutorial, we are going to use HostGator as our domain registrar. Why? They provide a domain for only $5 to anyone who signs up for their hosting – sweet deal!

  1. How to choose a Domain Name for a blog?
  2. Head over to the HostGator homepage.
  3. Type in the desired Domain Name and check if it’s available.
  4. Pick a plan for your domain.

1. Head over to the HostGator homepage

(Follow those images below)

Click on “Start Your Site Now”.

2. Type in the desired Domain Name and check if it’s available

In this case, I’m using as an example. Choose ” Register a new domain”.

If you already have a domain and you plan to use hosting for hosting only, then tick the second option.

3. Pick a plan for your domain

First, you’ll need to fill in your personal details. This is only for privacy reasons so the transaction can go smoothly between Hostgator and you (registrar).

Website essentials are optional and not needed. However, it’s wise to choose “Automated backups” in case you mess something up (this can happen if you are a beginner).

The total price for blog domain & hosting will vary from $35 to $45. In my opinion, it’s a bargain compared with other web hosting companies.

What else?
Now you are done :). As you can see, it was easier than you might have thought. You can start setting up your blog and create your email with your brand new domain (!

If you wish to see a more in-depth tutorial for setting up a blog on your Domain Name, go check my tutorial here: (homepage).

A few last words…
If you don’t want to buy the Domain Name and hosting together, you can buy the domain from Namecheap here.
Buying a domain to start a blog is easy when you know the whole process, but it may seem difficult when doing it for the first time. That’s the main reason I made this step-by-step guide on how to buy a Domain Name for your blog.
If you experience any problems during the domain buying process, contact the support team and they’ll solve it. The average response time is mostly less than a few minutes.
Furthermore, if you need any help setting up your domain or blog, shoot me an e-mail to and I’m more than happy to help you out!


1. How to pick/choose a good Domain Name for your blog?

Many readers asked me this question so I wrote a post about it. You can refer to How to Choose a Domain Name to Be Proud Of.

2. How Much Does a Domain Name Cost?

If you want to know how much does it cost to buy a Domain Name, you can refer to How Much Does a Domain Name Cost? Pricing and Registration Fees.

3. How to register a Domain Name for your blog?

The process would be exactly the same as “how to buy a Domain Name for your blog” as outlined above.

4. How to get a free Domain Name for your blog?

There’s no such thing as a free lunch. Technically, you can get a free Domain Name from Blogger but I don’t advise it because

it looks unprofessional e.g. instead of
you can’t customize your site with plugins and design templates
it limits your options for making money with your site

5 Steps to Choosing the Best Shared Hosting for Your Website

Choosing the right Shared Hosting plan for your needs can be challenging. With so many providers, so many variations, and so much jargon, it can feel like you need an IT degree just to pick a Shared Hosting plan. To help, we have compiled these 5 steps to help you find the best Shared Hosting for your website.

1. Know What You Need

It may seem obvious, but before you can pick the right hosting plan you need to know exactly what your site needs. What kind of site will you build? What sort of resources will it require? How many people do you anticipate visiting it each day?

If you have never built a site before or have no idea how to answer those questions, starting small will probably serve you best. Upgrading your hosting plan is usually quite simple, so why spend extra on things your site will not need?

Also, make sure your hosting plan will keep things simple for you. The biggest benefit of Shared Hosting, aside from cost, lies in its ease of use. So, why get Shared Hosting from a provider that does less to maintain your hosting environment?

To state this step differently, you want to find fully-managed solutions that offer easy upgrades and affordable prices.

2. Compare Shared Hosting Plan Features

Shared Hosting features will be the second thing you want to look at when selecting a Shared Hosting plan. Do you get unlimited bandwidth? How many domains can your plan host? Will it include free email? Any add-on software, like a CDN?

This usually becomes the trickiest step of the process, as different web hosts often offer different sets of features. First try to compare a list of features from several different web hosts to identify items they have in common (e.g., number of domains, email addresses, disk space, bandwidth, etc.). Establish a baseline of what the market commonly offers at various price points.

Then look at any additional features each host might offer. Some of these may prove more useful than others. Avoid getting too caught up in list length and focus more on the value they provide to you. For example, you might find a free SSL certificate much more valuable to your goals than a proprietary site building tool, especially if you already know what you want to use to build your page. If in doubt about what value various features provide, search the web for information about that feature or speak with someone with more experience. >InMotion Hosting’s friendly and dedicated salespeople, for instance, will be happy to answer all such questions about features.

3. Carefully Study Hosting Prices

While you may operate on a slim budget, you should not always choose hosting based solely on lowest price. If you have already compared features you will notice that some hosts provide far more or less than their competitors for a product at a similar price point. Similarly, you will want to look at not only the initial signup cost, but also renewal rates. Web hosts commonly charge an introductory rate for the first term of service, then increase the rate upon your renewal. You may also find that the cost listed on the main sales page of a host’s website lists a price only available if paid in advance for a longer term (often one or several years). Either choose a plan that fits within your budget constraints, or adjust your budget to take advantage of discounts for new customers and longer terms.

4. Find Shared Hosting with an Easy-to-Use Control Panel

Almost every Shared Hosting provider will have some sort of control panel to help you manage your server. Unfortunately, these control panels do not always compare well with one another. Products like cPanel and Plex have come to be recognized as industry standard options. However, some companies provide their own proprietary control panel. While this practice is not necessarily bad in and of itself, some of these proprietary systems can prove quite tricky to use. If the web host provides a non-standard control panel option, check reviews to see what users think of it. If you see descriptions like “best for advanced users,” or “steep learning curve,” you may want to look elsewhere.

5. Uptime and Reputation

Finally, you need to consider the reputation of the Shared Hosting provider you choose. Check professional online reviews and look for companies that consistently rate highly. This will generally ensure your experience runs smoothly. Also, pay attention to uptime guarantees. Most companies boast something close to 100% uptime, but you should make sure the reviews corroborate that. After all, few things can harm your online business more than a site that does not load.

Once You Compare, You will Find InMotion Hosting at the Top of Your List

We feel certain that once you look at the mix of features for value, the ease of use, the superior customer support, and the reputation of InMotion Hosting, your choice of Shared Hosting provider will be easy. For more information, check out our Shared Business Hosting page today.

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